

SPAGHETTI TOMATO CHEESE CREAM original recipe by me CIAO... Spaghetti, uhlalala Spaghetti. Buono!! As we know, spaghetti is a type of Pasta from Italy. Many people from some country who love Spaghetti, and it isn't exception for Indonesia also including me.. hehe In Indonesia a lot of various brands of Spaghetti, and i bought one of them. Inside the packaging of La Pasta,...

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Stem Guitar

Holla !! Jadi ceritanya lagi kangen main gitar gitaran pas lagi santai kaya di pantai broh (jokes lawas). Terakhir dipake itu suaranya udah agak fals dan wajib militer banget untuk di stem. Selama ini yang suka stem itu kakak gue, dan kita udah jarang ketemu karena sama sama sibuk. Gue keluarin dong gitar dari tempatnya, gue elap elap, pas gue "Genjreeeeng"...... Gilaaaaak suaranya...

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Random playlists Random feeling

Tone of these songs are very touching this random feeling today, but not w/ the lyrics.... 1. Mae- The Sun and The Moon 2. Rosi Golan- Hazy 3. Owl City- Vanilla Twillight 4. Copeland- Coffee 5. Dashboard Confessional- The Shade of Poison Trees 6. Taylor Swift- Begin Again 7. Foo Fighters- Walking After You 8. Adam Levine- Lost Stars ...



Sawa dee-ka :) Being healthy is a lifestyle nowadays. Many reasons why we should keep our bodies. One of the things you can do to stay healthy is doing sport. Some reasons are give more energy, enhance good mood, healthy bones, avoid illnes, also you can get the other benefit like controlling weight, etc. So, why you don't start it now? "aaa, i have...



Hey Hey!! Anyone who loves toast? Now, i would like to share my simple recipe for breakfast. Toast bread without toaster. It's delicious, sweet, and yummy. Honestly, for this picture i didn't toast, but i suggest you to toast it before you taste it. There will be more crispy and crunchy #kress kress kress nyummy.. This is the picture Because i don't have...

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Recommended book

KATA - KATA YANG MENGUBAH DUNIA DARI PLATO SAMPAI OBAMA by Zulfa Simatur One day i bought a book at Gramedia. The title of the book is "KATA - KATA YANG MENGUBAH DUNIA DARI PLATO SAMPAI OBAMA" by Zulfa Simatur.  Uhlala the title so awesome!! I was curious w/ this book, yeaaa actually i need somekind of motivation book :D If i didn't have...

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Japanese Lesson

Aisatsu Greeting こんにちは Now, we will learn about basic Japanese Language. Horay!  MAINICHI NO AISATSU TO KAIWA-HYOUGEN (Greeting and Expression) 1. Ohayou Gozaimasu (おはようございます) : Good morning 2. Konnichi wa (こんにちは): Good afternoon  3. Konban wa (こんばんは) : Good evening 4. Oyasuminasai (おやすみなさい): Good night Note:  Ohayou gozaimasu, konnichiwa, konbanwa, is a spoken greeting when meeting someone, and the greeting is not used when...

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Sup Tahu Aloha!  Sup tahu yang satu ini super simple, dan kepepet. Kenapa kepepet? Karena perut udah krucuk krucuk, lihat stok makanan lagi sepi, oke munculah ide ide untuk memasak ala apalah apalah dengan modal Bismillah. Kalau kata saya sih ini pas banget untuk anak kos kosan. Bikinnya mudah dengan rasa yang menggelorah, uhlalala.. Penasaran dong gimana dong resepnya dong, tapi janji yah...

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