
Sawa dee-ka :)

Being healthy is a lifestyle nowadays. Many reasons why we should keep our bodies. One of the things you can do to stay healthy is doing sport. Some reasons are give more energy, enhance good mood, healthy bones, avoid illnes, also you can get the other benefit like controlling weight, etc.

So, why you don't start it now? "aaa, i have no time to do it!" , "I am lazy", "Ok, tomorrow!", etc. Hahaha actually these things were my reasons at the first time. I realized that idea would be bad for my health / my body in the future. So i am trying to exercise although with a short time. Hopefully i could continue this positive activity.

Here, i would like to share a video. This video takes about 4 minutes to burn fat !! Yuhu only 4 minutes guys, and you just only prepare for a mat, towel, and sport shoes. Although in a short time, trust me you'll get sweat.

Have fun !! :)

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